If you have not been offered a place for your child at your preferred school, you have a right of appeal under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended by the Education Act 2001).
You can only appeal for a school you have applied for and we recommend you still accept the place your child has been offered.
This will not affect your appeal and will guarantee your child has a school place if your appeal is unsuccessful.
If your appeal is successful you must remember to tell the school you were originally offered that you no longer require the place.
We use an independent organisation to administer school appeals for the majority of schools in Havering.
All appeals will be heard held online and you will be given full instructions of how to access the system.
Please note that if your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you cannot use this appeal process. You must contact the SEN Team at sen@havering.gov.uk or 01708 431885.
Appeal for a place in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 place
Appeal for a place in Year 3 through to Year 11
Appeal for a place in Sixth Form
How the appeals process works
The school admission appeals guidance document explains how the appeals process works and will help you to appeal against an authority's decision not to offer your child a place at your preferred school(s).
It is intended to help you understand:
- the appeal process and the different types of appeal
- what will happen at an appeal hearing
- how the appeal panel will make its decision on your appeal
Schools appeals timetable
The dates in the timetable for appeals for Reception and Secondary transfer in September 2025 are given as guidance only and are subject to change, any changes will be made to the timetable and published online.
Please note that appeal hearings will not commence until after the relevant closing date has passed.
Appeals that are completed by the deadline dates will be heard within 40 school days of that deadline.
Hearings for in year appeals will be heard within 30 school days of receipt. This will apply to all appeals made outside the timetabled admissions process.
Please note that you will be notified of the exact time and date of your appeal at least 10 school days before the hearing is due to take place.
You will also receive a copy of your appeal form and any papers you may have submitted in support of your appeal, as well as the school’s case.
If you intend to be present at the hearing, you should bring all documentation with you to your appointment.
If you wish to contact the appeals’ organisation, please email clerk@educationappeals.com