Our priorities

Based on what we know of our children in care, using data and listening to their thoughts and feelings we have prioritised a number of areas which the strategy aims to deliver.

These priorities will also deliver the government’s seven principles as outlined in the strategy.

Download the Havering Corporate Parenting Strategy

In order to achieve our vision to be a good corporate parent we have identified six main priority areas that the strategy will deliver.

  1. Every young person should feel safe in their homes, schools and public spaces.
  2. Hear the voice of young people more, to better develop our services and the care young people receive.
  3. For every child to have a caring home.
  4. To provide aspiration, an excellent education, and opportunities for employment and learning for life.
  5. A clear and shared picture of our service.
  6. Excellent health outcomes for our children (explicitly mental health).