The Council's Leaving Care Service supports young people aged 12 to 21 (24 if in university) who are/have been looked after by the Council's Children's Services.

Young people leaving care are often vulnerable. The Council tries to offer opportunities and support that will give the best possible life chances to young people leaving the Council's care.

The Leaving Care Service runs:

  • a parents group
  • young males' and young females' groups
  • cooking group
  • private tuition

By offering group work opportunities the young people are able to build relationships and share similar life experiences as well as learn new skills.

We support young people in getting ready for independent living, which they will have to do at a younger age then many of their peers.

The service offers financial and practical support for young people find their own place and will help with the big changes that will effect them up to the age of 21. If the young person attends university the support will continue till they reach 24.

Who gets help when leaving care?

To be entitled to support from the Leaving Care Service the young person must have been accommodated for a period of at least 13 weeks, since their fourteenth birthday.

Young people leaving the care of the Council are supported in all aspects of their lives and the team does it's best to be a 'corporate parent'.

We access each young person's needs such as:

  • accommodation
  • health
  • education
  • employment
  • financial
  • social and emotional support.

We work closely with them to ensure that they receive opportunities to improve life chances.

Contact the service


Call 01708 431059