If you are a resident in Havering and have care and support needs and find it difficult to look after yourself, Adult Social Care may be able to advise you and provide you with some help.   

We will not meet every need for care and support that you have and can only offer support for needs if they satisfy the ‘eligibility criteria’.

How we consider if you have eligible needs

We use the 2014 Care Act and look at three conditions when carrying out an assessment of your need and considering eligibility.

  1. Whether you have needs related to a physical or mental health impairment or illness.
  2. Whether your needs affect your ability to do certain things (two or more of the outcomes listed below).
  3. If there is likely to be significant impact on your wellbeing as a result.

Your physical or mental health 

We will discuss if your needs for care and support arise from certain health issues, such as:

  • physical ill-health
  • disability
  • learning disabilities
  • cognitive disabilities
  • mental health problems 
  • dependence on alcohol or drugs

You don't need to have a specific diagnosis.

Your ability to do certain things 

Then we will look at whether you're unable to do certain things for yourself.

Being unable to do something doesn't mean that you can't do it at all, but it may mean it takes you a long time, you need help, or it causes you significant distress or pain. 

We consider areas such as:

  • managing and maintaining nutrition
  • maintaining personal hygiene
  • managing toilet needs
  • being appropriately clothed
  • maintaining a habitable home environment
  • being able to make use of the home safely
  • developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
  • making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport and recreational facilities or services
  • carrying out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child.

The Wellbeing Principle

We will always have your wellbeing in mind when making decisions. If the impact is significant then the eligibility criteria could be met.  

Wellbeing can relate to:

  • personal dignity (including treatment of the individual with respect)  
  • physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing  
  • protection from abuse and neglect  
  • control over day-to-day life (including over care and support)  
  • participation in work, education, training or recreation  
  • social and economic wellbeing  
  • domestic, family and personal relationships  
  • suitability of living accommodation 
  • contribution to society

We will consider whether you’re needs impact on an area of wellbeing in a significant way or whether there is a cumulative effect of several areas that have a significant effect on your wellbeing.

Care and Support Needs Assessment

All of the above will be considered in your Care and Support Needs Assessment to make a decision about what your needs are and whether they meet the eligibility criteria.

We may also carry out an occupational therapy assessment to provide aids and equipment to help you to move around and manage everyday tasks and maintain your safety in your home.

If you're eligible for social care, we will help you plan your care and support to meet your needs.

If you are not eligible for social care support we will still give you information and advice and signpost you to local services that can support you and prevent or delay your needs for care and support from developing.

We will involve you throughout the process. If you have a friend or family member looking after you as an unpaid carer, they can have a carer's assessment to see if they need support to carry on their caring role.

Getting help with this process

Friends and family can support you, and we can refer you to organisations that offer additional support and advocacy if required.  

What if you already have support in place? 

If you are moving from another local authority area and already have care and support, or if you are already receiving support from other professionals, please ask your social worker to make contact with Havering social care so that we can ensure continuity of care.