We have Local Area Coordinators in some areas of Havering that support you in your community.

Local Area Coordinators support you to build your own vision for a good life, finding pragmatic solutions to any problems, and drawing on family and community resources.

This means that instead of assessing or signposting people into services, they can:

  • invest enough time in understanding what a good life looks like to you or your family, and how you could get there
  • help you to build your own capacity and connections, so that you can stay strong and independent
  • build new community connections or capacity where they don’t exist

There is no referral process or threshold. If you live in one of the areas covered by the service, give your Local Area Coordinators a call.

Areas and their Local Area Coordinators

Local Area Coordinators are available in areas in Harold Hill, Rainham, Collier Row and Romford.

View the areas and their coordinators on our map

Please note: Our map is currently being updated and does not include Mawneys, Romford North and Romford South areas.

While it is being updated, please see jpeg files of the map of those areas to see what is covered.

Local Area Coordinator Leanne LazaroLeanne Lazaro

North Romford area

01708 432814 / 07812 496901


Local area coordinator picture of TrishTrish Johnson

South Romford area

01708 433458 / 07971 010366


Local Area Coordinator Debbie walkerDebbie Walker

Heaton and Faringdon area

07970 492128 / 01708 434091


Local area coordinator picture of TracyTracy Cavanagh

Petersfield area

07971 717615 / 01708 432342


Local area coordinator picture of TamarahTamarah Djalloul

Briar Road, Hilldene and Noak Hill area

07929 756406 / 01708 434328


Local area coordinator MaureenMaureen McDermott

Southend Road and North Rainham area 

07971 565122 / 01708 434332


Local area coordinator picture of TinaTina Franklin

Orchard Village and Cherry Tree area 

07929 756361 / 01708 434315


Local area coordinator picture of TraceyTracey Reid

Rainham, Rainham Village and Wennington area

07929 756359 / 01708 434307


Juliet HazlewoodJuliet Hazlewood 

Mawneys area

07971 829344 / 01708 434852


Local area coordinator LexiAlexandra Scott (Lexi)

Havering Park area

07581 047512 / 01708 434949


If you are unsure whether there is a Local Area Coordinator covering your area or want to understand whether this is the right support for you please contact one of the numbers above to discuss.


Download flyers and posters for the area coordinators