Help at home includes getting support with things like:

  • personal care, such as helping you to get washed, dressed and using the toilet
  • support getting in and out of bed
  • shopping or cooking meals
  • finding and going to leisure and recreation activities
  • socialising and helping you to get involved in your community
  • supporting you at your place of work
  • cleaning and housework
  • health-related tasks
  • managing money and paying bills

If you need help around the home, you may be able to get help from:

You can pay for this type of care privately or you can contact the council to find out about local authority funding for care.

Find out more funding for care

Equipment around the home

There’s lots of equipment that can support you around the home or when going out.

Depending on the support you need, you may also be able to get home adaptations such as ramps outside your house or showers installed.

Read more about equipment and adaptations

Assisted waste collections

You can get help with assisted waste collections. This means that rubbish is collected somewhere that’s convenient for you, such as your front or back door.

Apply for an assisted collection