Financial assessment form

If you are getting a chargeable service then you will be asked to take a financial assessment to establish your liability towards your care fees.

In order to complete this assessment we will require a declaration of your current financial circumstances such as income, savings, outgoings, any other capital.  

The link below takes you to an online financial assessment form, where you can make your declaration.

Please be advised that, in order for the financial assessment to be accurate, it is important that your declaration is full and correct and that you provide supporting evidence.

You can add evidence such as scanned documents or pictures of bills towards the end of the form, after you have answered the questions.

The form will tell you where evidence is needed and what is acceptable.

Please ensure you attach all that is requested.  

At the end of your declaration the form will give you an idea of the outcome of your financial assessment.

This will just be a provisional figure, and the actual outcome may be different once the Havering Financial Assessment Team have received and processed your data. 

You will be sent written notification of the financial assessment outcome once the necessary calculation has been completed by the team.

Please note that if you have not yet received notification from us that we will be funding your care then you should not complete this form and should instead contact the Access Team on 01708 432000.

If you are in receipt of permanent residential, or nursing, care and you own, or part own, your residence or other property you should not use the online financial assessment form, and should instead contact the Financial Assessment and Benefits Team by email at and we will send you a form for completion.

Go to the financial assessment form