Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme – registration and information

If you represent a business or organisation in Havering and would like your venue to become Breastfeeding Welcome, please register for the scheme.

We have compiled some Information for staff and volunteers of Breastfeeding Welcome venues.

This information must be read by all members of staff before a venue can apply to be part of the Breastfeeding Welcome Havering scheme. You should also make sure any volunteers working with you are provided with this information.

You can choose whether to distribute it to your staff electronically or as paper copies.

Businesses and organisations in Havering can become Breastfeeding Welcome by making the following pledges.

  • We understand that mothers have a legal right to breastfeed their babies in public and we welcome breastfeeding in all areas of our venue
  • Breastfeeding customers will not be asked to move if another customer complains
  • All employees and volunteers have read the Information for staff and volunteers and are aware of their responsibility to support breastfeeding mothers
  • All areas of the venue are clean and hygienic
  • We will display our Breastfeeding Welcome Havering logo prominently in our window so that mothers know they are welcome to breastfeed

By completing the online form to confirm your commitment to these pledges, you will receive a Breastfeeding Welcome Havering transfer to display in your window and you can choose to be listed online.

You can view venues that have already signed up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Havering scheme on our map.

Register your venue as Breastfeeding Welcome

Why should my venue become Breastfeeding Welcome?

Benefits of breastfeeding to babies:

  • reduced risk of gastro-intestinal or ear infections
  • reduced risk of developing allergies, asthma or childhood cancers
  • higher average scores in childhood intelligence tests
  • lower levels of obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease in later life

Benefits of breastfeeding to mothers:

  • reduced risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer
  • it naturally uses up about 500 extra calories a day, making it easier to lose pregnancy weight
  • saves money - breast milk is free
  • no preparation time is required

Isn’t formula milk the same?

Infant formula cannot exactly replicate breast milk. It does not contain the ingredients that help protect babies from infection and disease.

Although we promote breastfeeding, if a mother does choose to feed her baby formula milk there is still support available in Havering to ensure best practice is followed.

Further information is available from Havering Children’s Centres.

Benefits of the Breastfeeding Welcome Havering Scheme to your business

  1. Strengthens your customer service offer
  2. Can attract a new customer/client base
  3. Visits from breastfeeding mothers are usually not at busy times, meaning more custom during quiet times
  4. Little or no cost to you - most important thing to provide is a welcoming atmosphere
  5. Improves your business or organisation’s image and gives you free publicity
  6. Demonstrates that you are dedicated to making your customers happy
  7. Businesses that are identified as being Breastfeeding Welcome can choose to be listed on this website

Register your venue as Breastfeeding Welcome