Renewal ceremonies

A Renewal of Vows ceremony is a wonderful way to re-affirm your commitment to each other, regardless of whether you have previously undergone a civil wedding ceremony or civil partnership.

Some couples may choose to celebrate special or significant anniversaries together by holding a renewal of vows ceremony.

​You can hold your ceremony in any area, as they are not restricted to the area that you live in.

​If you decide to book your ceremony at Langtons House, our ceremony co-ordinator will help with your personal arrangements.

This is flexible and unique to your personal circumstances, and you can choose your own readings, poems and music, or include your children or grandchildren in the proceedings.

Format of the ceremony

Renewal of vows ceremonies can contain the following sections:

  • introduction and welcome
  • acknowledgement of any children of the marriage
  • reading
  • renewal of vows
  • re-dedication of rings
  • giving of new rings or gifts
  • words from previous wedding guests (often the best man, bridesmaid or the bride's father)
  • further reading
  • signing of certificate
  • witnesses and closing words

Details of the ceremony

Normal ceremonies last approximately 15 minutes, but can be up to 30 minutes if more reading options are chosen.

A souvenir certificate is signed during the ceremony by the couple and two witnesses.

Couples who wish to have a religious ceremony should contact their local place of worship.