Planning your ceremony

Decide which type of ceremony

The first step in planning your wedding or civil partnership is to decide what type of ceremony you would like - a civil ceremony or a church ceremony.

Select a venue

Once you have chosen the type of ceremony that you would like you will need to select a suitable venue.

  • For religious weddings you will need to contact your local church or place of worship
  • for civil weddings and civil partnerships take a look at Langtons House and Grand Hall, you can also book at one of our approved venues in Havering
  • for ceremonies abroad you will need to contact the venue for further information. Some countries may ask for a Certificate of No Impediment. Contact your wedding planner/travel agent or embassy/consulate for the country you want to marry in for the requirements. More information can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Choose a date

Next you need to book the date and time of your ceremony.

If you decide to use Langtons then you will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of £100 in order to secure your ceremony.

You can make this payment by debit card. Other venues in the borough may have different charges and payment methods.

Remember you must book notice of marriage before you can get married.