In November 2021, we finalised the Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) outlining all the key initiatives, goals and objectives to meet our carbon neutral ambitions by 2040 and tackle climate change in Havering.

Your business may have its own plans but, by working together, we can make a greater difference.

We have committed to:

  • ensuring all our services take account of the climate change targets, by reviewing all of our plans, policies and the way we work
  • showing leadership in the borough by working with and challenging our businesses, partners and residents to make sure the wider borough reduces emissions
  • continuing to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we generate directly and setting a framework for the greener development of the borough.

Read the Business Decarbonisation Support booklet on the issuu website

Download our Business Decarbonisation Directory (Excel download)

In today’s interconnected world, environmental concerns, social responsibility, and ethical practices have emerged as key drivers of innovation, competitive advantage, and long-term success.

Consumers, investors, and employees alike are demanding more from the organisations they support, urging them to take responsibility for their environmental footprint, social impact, and ethical practices.

The Greener Futures programme is free to businesses in the borough until March 2025 and is here to empower Havering business owners to future-proof their businesses and make the path to net zero easy.

We’re working with leading industry experts to provide free tailored support that meets your business needs!

What to expect on this journey with us

Learn what you need to know

Develop your green-business expertise with our interactive free e-learning portal.

It’s packed with practical information to demystify sustainability and kick-start your journey to net zero at your own pace, and you can access them when you are ready.

Cut your carbon emissions and reduce your energy bills

No matter what stage you’re at with carbon reduction, our in-person training session will provide you with the knowledge and support to measure, manage and reduce your emissions.

We can help you to look at your business carbon footprint. Importantly, we’ll help you identify what to focus on so that every action you take will count and make a meaningful impact towards a long-term carbon reduction plan.

The sessions will be held at CEME campus in Rainham and will include a networking breakfast or lunch.

Dates and times will be advertised soon.

Friendly, expert advice

Book a session with our business coach to understand what you need to do to progress with your net zero strategy.

Whether that’s innovating your products and services to be low carbon or looking at the best way to cut your energy use and build resilience in your business.

Become green certified

Upon completing the programme, receive a digital green badge for your business.

A green badge enhances your business reputation and appeals to environmentally conscious customers, giving you a competitive edge in the market and investing in your business, future-proofing your business for a zero carbon future.

Contact us

To sign up, please complete our registration form.

Contact for more information.

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Funded by UK Government banner   Supported by Mayor of London logo   Levelling up logo

Businesses have a major role to play in helping protect and enhance the environment.

You may already have plans to reduce the carbon emissions of your business and by working with us, we can make an even greater difference together.

The Carbon Trust Calculator can help you check your emissions.

Tips on how to reduce the carbon emissions of your business

Here are some tips to help you reduce carbon and your bills.

Measure your carbon footprint

Start by measuring your company's carbon footprint, in order to know where you stand and the areas to focus on.

You can calculate the carbon emissions of your business by using the Carbon Trust SME Carbon footprint calculator.

Choose renewable energy

There are now more and more green energy providers on the market.

Check with your energy provider first if they have any renewable energy plans available.

If they don’t, then consider switching to a provider that can guarantee that your energy consumption comes from renewable sources.

Apply the three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle

The principle of the three R’s is a must whenever we talk about being environmentally friendly.

Consider how you can apply this to every aspect of your business, from office supplies to packaging and operations.

What can be reduced, reused, or recycled?

Travel greener. Promote greener commutes

Travel is one of the most carbon-producing activities within a company, yet it’s still part of the way we do business.

However, there are different things we can do to reduce travel-related carbon emissions.

Some of these include:

  • travelling by train or other public transport options when possible.
  • offering free or discounted public transport subscriptions to staff
  • providing free bikes
  • offering a flexible work schedule, which allows staff to work-from-home
  • encouraging Carpooling amongst colleagues

Eliminate single-use plastics

Single-use plastics are a large contributor to a business’s carbon footprint.

Every time someone throws away a plastic straw, bag, cup or packaging materials, these products exact a toll on the environment.

Almost all plastic products are made from fossil fuels, and refining those fuels into plastics is an energy-intensive process that is driving up global emissions.

Items such as cafeteria cutlery, disposable coffee cups and plastic water bottles can easily be switched for reusable items instead.

Opting for reusable replacements reduces a carbon footprint while reducing waste hauling costs, too.

Also consider purchasing reusable cups/bottles for all your staff, instead of plastic cups at the water cooler.

Maximise energy efficiency

It is easy to waste electricity in the office when you’re focused on getting work done. Take these precautions to maximize efficiency of energy consumption in your office space.

Equip your office with energy efficient models of workplace equipment such as monitors, computers, and printers.

Connect desk equipment into power strips to simplify switching off all technology at the end of the day. 

Optimising workplace lighting is another great and easy way to cut both your carbon footprint and your electricity bill. Install energy efficient lighting, such as LED light bulbs and dimmable fixtures

Switch off lights when they are not necessary or opt for automatic sensors to save the hassle. 

Use natural light as much as possible to save energy and avoid the negative health effects from excessive exposure to artificial lighting such as heightened stress levels.

We will update this section with information on carbon reduction grants when available but if you require additional support or advice, please email