Public register of licensed premises

We keep a register of licensed premises in our mapping system.

You can filter your search by area and license type.

Instructions for using the map to search for a premises licence

  1. Tick the licensing box in the legend on the left hand side of the page and then click the cross to expand the box.
  2. You will then see 4 sub headings appear, Gambling Act, Licensing Act, Scrap Metal Act and Other. Depending on which type of premises you are looking for you can click the plus sign (+) to expand the info further.
  3. Now you can either zoom into a specific part of the borough to look at what licensed premises are where or you can you use the search box at the top of the page to search for a premises by name or address.
  4. Once you find the premises you are looking for, click on that premises and a box will appear. The name, address and a link to the full licence document will appear.

View and search the map for premises licences