From the 1 September 2007 the Gambling Act replaced the provisions of the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976 and from that date those Societies registered with us under the 1976 Act were automatically registered under the new 2005 Act.
The Act defines a small society lottery with the definition breaking down into two distinct areas:
Society status
The society in question must be 'non-commercial'.
Size of lottery
The total value of tickets to be put on sale per single lottery must be £20,000 or less, or the total value of tickets to be put on sale for all their lotteries in a calendar year must not exceed £250,000. If the operator plans to exceed either of these values then they will be classed as a large lottery operator, and must be licensed with the Gambling Commission instead.
The promoting society of a small society lottery must, throughout the period during which the lottery is promoted, be registered with a licensing authority. The licensing authority with which a small society lottery is required to register must be in the area where their principal office is located.
If a licensing authority believes that a society's principal office is situated in another area, it should inform the society and the other authority as soon as possible.
A raffle is where tickets are brought, sold and prizes are distributed on the same day or night while the event is taking place and proceeds go to charity are exempt.
However if you are unsure, please contact the Licensing Team at the address shown for advice.
Apply for a lotteries licence
Non-commercial small scale lotteries application form
Fees - New registration £40. Renewal £20.
Registration and fees
Please make all cheques or postal orders are made payable to the London Borough of Havering.
You can also pay the fee online. Please email and we will send instructions for online payments.