Experience, professionalism and a commitment to finding the facts of every matter, and delivering coherent, consistent advice and reports in a timely manner.

Assessments by experienced, impartial experts

Employment is a constantly-evolving area of law, so expecting inexperienced and busy in-house managers to handle complex investigations can result in an unhappy workforce and even costly employment tribunals.

By commissioning one of our professional investigators, your case will be in experienced, impartial hands, meaning your management team is free to focus on other tasks.

At all times, we will work closely, and in confidence, with your key contact/HR department, providing regular updates on the status of the investigation, and any emerging issues or risks.

Following the investigation, you will receive a detailed, comprehensive report with both the findings of the investigation and our recommendations, potentially protecting you from costly future litigation or employment tribunals.

Invaluable training and advice

The team also offers bespoke training to managers and hearing officers, which can be delivered both on-site and remotely. The training is priced per session (not per delegate) and can be supported by a bespoke toolbox to guide your managers through the entire process.

Experience and expertise

We are proud of the services we deliver, providing a professional, qualitative and value-for-money service to Public Sector bodies.

In particular, we have a strong track record in supporting Local Authorities and the NHS with investigations and hearings including:

  • bullying
  • harassment
  • whistleblowing
  • Discrimination and dispute resolution
  • Safeguarding
  • Non-compliance of policies and procedures

The team also hold accreditation and certification in:

  • Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board, Accreditation in Counter Fraud Management
  • Counter Fraud Professional Accreditation Board, Accreditation in Counter Fraud Investigations
  • Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, Certification in Investigative Practice
  • Qualified Mediation

Testament to the services we provide - What our clients have said

All organisation details have been withheld for confidentiality purposes.

A sensitive case was handled by Workplace Investigations with discretion and confidence.

All elements of the case were covered providing us, the employer, with peace of mind to conclude the issue.

They have a complete understanding of local government and therefore require very little direction in terms of the political environment and governance requirements, meaning they are excellent value for money.

Workplace Investigations has provided us with a highly responsive, methodical and thorough investigation service.

We have been very impressed with the quality of the investigatory reports and the competence and professionalism of the investigators.

The City Council engaged Workplace Investigations to undertake an investigation and were impressed by the professionalism of the investigator and the quality of the report.

I would be happy to use their services again.

They provided us with a highly responsive, methodical and thorough investigation service. We have been very impressed with the quality of the investigatory reports and the competence and professionalism of the investigators.

Our workplace investigation and training services

What services do we offer?

Investigation management

Our trained team can carry out professional and robust investigations, in confidence, across a wide range of issues.

The Investigator will keep you up-to-date with any changing or emerging issues and risks.

Investigation training

Our on-site or remote training courses are tailored around your policies and procedures.

In every case, they give delegates the opportunity to develop essential skills and knowledge of difficult conversations, informal solutions, workplace investigations, interview techniques, report writing and chairing hearings.

We can also provide toolkits and ongoing support to help streamline your processes.

Advice and guidance

We can provide comprehensive support on complex cases where you have already appointed an investigator from your own workforce, but would like additional advice or guidance to support and guide them through the process.

Contact us

For more information, call Jill Canham, Workplace Investigations Manager on 07976 228806 or email jill.canham@havering.gov.uk.

SLA terms and conditions

If you have signed a Service Level Agreement with us, read the full terms and conditions referred to within it.