Business continuity advice

Business continuity is a process detailing the management of services and business during and after an emergency.

The service helps us to continue to function in times of emergency; and return to full functionality, effectively and efficiently, once the crisis is over.

We do this by developing business continuity plans to ensure the continued ability to deliver our services.

Advice for businesses 

We also want to encourage your business to consider your resilience.​

  • what would you do to help your business cope through an emergency?
  • what if you need to close for a day, a week or a month?
  • could you relocate?
  • change your opening hours?
  • find extra staff?

The business continuity planning process takes you through:

  • stating your priorities
  • identifying your dependencies, and
  • detailing your options

It goes further than a risk assessment by providing recovery details and combining information in one area, so you can easily find it when you need to action your plan.

Further advice 

Emergency Planning c/o Town Hall,
Main Road,

01708 434343 / 433999,