Fee scale for commercial leases

A fee is payable to us, as a contribution to costs for many of the management activities provided by our Strategic Property Services.

Please be aware that these fees are payable in addition to any rent, business rates and other outgoings payable under the terms of the lease. In addition to these fees, we will also make a charge for reasonable legal costs.

These fees are also separate to any other charges made by us for the use and occupation of the property such as planning, building control, trading licences or trade refuse.

Fees for management activities

Management activity  Fee
New Letting - Standard Commercial Shop Lease £370
New Letting - Non-Standard Commercial Lease £615 rising to a maximum of £1225 if complex or negotiations are extended
Dilapidation Surveys and Schedules of Repair/Condition Hourly rate charge to pay in preparing survey and supervising works subject to minimum fee of £370
Assignment of Leases £370 rising to a maximum of £735 if negotiations are extended
Licence to vary any other lease terms (subject to the consent of the Council) £370 rising to a maximum of £735 if negotiations are extended
Licence to undertake structural alterations/building works (subject to the consent of the Council) £370 rising to a maximum of £735 if negotiations are extended

Other processes and consents

To be provided on an individual basis, subject to a minimum fee of £370.