Stop and search is an important power used by the police to prevent crime.

However, it is also an intrusive power, and it is vital for confidence in policing that the Havering Community know that it is being used in an intelligence-led, proportionate and respectful way.

The Havering CMG is formed to hold the MPS to account for the properly targeted use of stop and search powers so individuals that are being stopped and searched are always treated with dignity and respect.

MOPAC Terms of Reference for Local Community Monitoring Groups

Meeting times and format

The Havering Stop and Search CMG meet four times a year, and we meet in the conference room of Romford Police Station on Main Road, Romford, in the evenings from 6.30pm to 9pm.

The meetings follow a set agenda where we look at the quarterly data from the Met Police, and also the data from the stop and search stops (some of this data is “redacted” to ensure that the persons stopped cannot be identified).

Monthly viewing of the Stop and Search Met Police Body Worn Video (BWV)

In order to ensure the Met Police follow the stop and search guidelines for all Havering stop and searches, there is a monthly viewing of a random sample of 10 percent of the monthly stop and searches that are completed in Havering, where each stop and search is observed to ensure the individual rights are maintained.

How to join the Havering Stop and Search CMG panel

The Havering Stop and Search CMG is always looking to be fully representative of our diverse community, and for our CMG to be fully representative we welcome members from all areas and faiths and especially different age groups.

We are very open to younger members of our community (17 upwards) to have a voice on our CMG.

For more details of the role and responsibilities of the Havering Stop and Search CMG, please email the Chair for information at

He will reply with answers to your questions, and is willing to have a chat with you over the running and reports that the Havering Stop and Search CMG are involved with.

More information

Further detailed information on Met Police Stop and Search procedures can be found on the Met Police website on the links below, via the Met Police website.