ESOL and employment

As part of our efforts to help our Ukrainian guests access a better quality of life during their stay in the UK, the Homes for Ukraine team partner with a range of local Education providers.

Offering a range of language experiences from fully accredited Esol courses to more casual conversational English workshops Havering are committed to helping bridge the language barrier that can prevent Ukrainians from integrating into independent life.

Currently the HFU team are working with:

The Homes for Ukraine Team have also invested in partnerships designed around increasing the employability and access to employment opportunities available to our guests.

We have administered CV writing workshops in conjunction with local employers like Adecco as well as working with DWP and Job Centre to help get Ukrainian guests journey towards employment on track.

Working in partnership with 8 other local boroughs the Havering team initiated the first (and second) North East London Job’s fair which was attended by over 300 residents, both from Ukraine and local walks of life.

Havering Works continue to support the employment journey for all havering residents.