Please note that applications for street parties for VE DAY 80 close on 13 March 2025 and applications submitted after this date will not be accepted.
Want to hold a street party in the London Borough of Havering?
You may hold a street party on a Saturday or a Sunday (or a bank holiday - if a special commemorative date).
Please read our street party guide, hints and tips and the information below.
Before you apply
If you want to close a section of the public highway to hold your street party, you will need to apply for a temporary road closure.
The application needs to be submitted at least eight weeks before the event.
Requests to close roads that are part of a bus route will not be granted.
Requests to close busy roads may be refused.
Requests to close roads where planned road works have already been agreed may be refused.
Requests to close roads where nearby / adjacent roads already have agreed closures planned may be refused or arrangements may be adjusted to facilitate closures for both events to run accordingly.
A minimum width of 3 metres of road space for emergency vehicle access must be maintained within the closure at all times. If this cannot be achieved, closures will not be granted.
We will advise of the traffic signs and barriers required together with the correct location for each sign.
Traffic signs and barriers required for the closure are to be maintained by the event organisers.
It will be the responsibility of the applicant for the road closure to canvass residents within the road to ensure that they have general consent for the closure to take place, that residents are happy with this and act as a facilitator for the event.
Applicants must also designate a marshal at road closure entry and exit points to provide access to residents who require this during the times of the closure.
After you apply
Once you have submitted your form, we will process your application for a street party and get back to you once a decision has been made, approximately three weeks.
You can check on the progress of your application by emailing
Once you have been granted permission the:
- event must be organised for residents of the street and neighbours only
- event entertainment must be low key, any live performances or attractions may require a licence or public liability and a full event plan may need to be submitted – please contact for more information.
- event must be free to attend
- event must be respectful of other local residents who are not or cannot attend your street party, so please be aware of the volume of music or other noise
- road must be closed no earlier than 10am and opened no later 8pm as per the published traffic management orders
You must make sure:
- all rubbish is cleared up
- signs are clearly visible to all road users
- access is still possible by emergency service vehicles
- disabled drivers can still access disabled parking bays