The following was information we published on the anniversary of VE Day in 2020.

Why not host you very own ‘stay-at-home street party’; we are encouraging residents to decorate their homes with red, white and blue bunting and have a picnic in their garden or living room.

There will also be three wartime sing-alongs taking place throughout the day on our Facebook page.

We are also encouraging everyone to undertake the ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of World War Two’ at 3pm on 8 May 2020, from the safety of their own home, by standing up and raising a glass of refreshment of their choice to undertake the following toast: “To those who gave so much, we thank you."

Using this unique opportunity, we encourage you to pay tribute to the many millions at home and abroad that gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today.

If you are having a ‘stay at home street party’

  • Observe social distancing at all times. This means staying at least two metres away from anyone not in your household.
  • Stay within your front gardens, if celebrating outside.
  • Don’t go into other front gardens, the street, or other houses. Congregating in the street will make it much more difficult to stick to social distancing.
  • Enjoy the day and celebrate, but don’t let the fun times tempt you into breaking distancing rules.

Please consider your neighbours, friends, and family by acting responsibly. Let’s not undo all the good work we’ve done together as a community. Stay at home and party on, like it’s 1945!