Adults, children and young people's services complaints procedure

Adult Social Care complaint procedure

When you make a formal complaint we will contact you to ensure that we understand fully.

Where possible, we will also discuss what you would like to happen to help resolve your complaint.

We will aim to acknowledge your complaint within three working days.

Your complaint will be assessed to decide how it will be handled.

A member of our Customer Insight, Information and Investigations Team will discuss and agree this with you.

We will aim to respond to your complaint within 10 to 20 working days.

If your complaint involves another agency, such as a health, home care services or residential/nursing home we will discuss this with you and the relevant agency to agree how the complaint should be handled.

We will aim to respond within 25 working days in that situation.

Mediation may be considered as a way to help resolve your complaint and this will be discussed with you if appropriate.

We will keep you informed about the progress of your complaint and discuss any changes to the handling of your complaint with you.

Read the full Adult Social Care Complaints and Compliments Policy in our Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy and Procedure document.

Children and Young People’s complaint procedure

You have a right to have your complaint investigated and to receive a full and prompt reply.

Should you need help with the complaints process we will always try to find someone to support and assist you.

Complaints can be about any aspect of Children and Young People’s Services.

Stage 1 - Local Resolution

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days.

Your complaint will be discussed and agreed with you and advised on how it will be handled.

You will receive a response within ten working days.

A further ten days will be added for more complex complaints or more if an advocate is required.

If you remain unhappy with the investigation and response to your complaint, you have the right to take your complaint to Stage 2 within 20 working days.

Stage 2 - Independent Investigation

Your complaint will be investigated by and independent investigator and overseen by an independent person.

Stage 2 will take between 25 to 65 working days from the date a Statement of Complaint is agreed and signed.

If you are still unhappy you can request to progress your complaint to Stage 3.

Stage 3 - Complaint Review

A Stage 3 Review Panel will be held within 30 working days of your request to go to Stage 3.

You can make representation to the panel either in writing or in person.

The review panel will review the Stage 2 investigation but will not reinvestigate the complaint.

Following the review panel, the Chair will provide its recommendations to the Director of Starting Well within five working days.

The Director of Starting Well will send the decision to you within 15 working days following receipt of Chair’s recommendations.

The outcome of a complaint will be in writing explaining how the complaint has been considered, the conclusions reached and any remedial action necessary.

Mediation may be considered as a way to help resolve the complaint and this will be discussed if appropriate.

The person who raised the complaint with us will be kept informed about any changes and the progress of their complaint including any delays with an explanation.