We hold personal information about our customers, clients and residents and all the information about you that we hold is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

See your data

When you can ask to see what information we hold we will ask for two forms of identification to process your request (one to be photographic).

We have 1 calendar month to provide a response, which can be extended by a further 2 calendar months, if we are unable to meet the original deadline.  We will let you know in writing if this is the case. If an exemption applies, you will be advised.

For more information regarding data protection in general please visit the Information Commissioner's website. Read our privacy statement to see specific rights about your data we use at Havering Council.

Make a data protection information request

Are you accessing your social care records?

Make a request for information from Social Care

Requests for children's data

We will accept requests from parents/guardians for their child's personal information where the child is aged 12 years and under.

Requests for children aged 13 years and over​ must be made by the child unless the parent/guardian has been given consent to make the request or they can provide a professionals/specialists opinion to prove the child is incapable of making the request.