Reduce your bill

You can claim a Council Tax discount, exemption, reduction or relief if you:

  • live on your own and are 18 or over
  • live with people not counted for Council Tax
  • have certain adaptations in your home for disabled people
  • are on a low income or benefits

If you live on your own and are 18 years old or over, you’re entitled to 25 percent off your Council Tax bill.

If your income is low you may be able to claim Council Tax support.

If you are of pensionable age, Council Tax Support can be any amount up to 100 percent of your Council Tax liability.

Working age people with disabilities can have their Council Tax reduced by up to 80 percent.

For everyone else, Council Tax Support can be reduced by up to 75 percent.

In exceptional circumstances there is also Council Tax discretionary payment. Discretionary payments are short term help to reduce Council Tax in special circumstances.

Go to our Council Tax Discretionary Payment page for more details