About the scheme
The School Meal Holiday Scheme for Havering residents gives £15 per child per week.
This ensures eligible families receive additional support so their children don’t go hungry during school holidays.
- If you have previously applied and are currently receiving payment for your children, you do not need to re-apply.
- If you were eligible once, then were not, but now are again, please re-apply as payments will not be automatic.
- If you have eligible children on the scheme and another one of your children becomes eligible, please also apply for that child because payments for that child will not be automatic.
Next payment date
If you are already on the scheme, or have made a new claim in the last application period, you can expect to get your payment during the week that starts on 31 March 2025.
How to apply
You can apply for the first time or add additional children by using the 'Apply for the School Holiday Meal Scheme' form below.
If you just want to change your existing details please use the 'Update your details for this scheme' form below.
Apply for the scheme
The last round of new applications for the scheme closed at 4pm on 19 March 2025.
Updating or changing your details
If you need to make any changes like updating you bank account, address and email address you should do this at least 3 weeks before the scheme closes or it will delay your payment.
Update your details for this scheme
Who is eligible to apply?
This scheme is for:
- school age children between the ages of 5 and 16
- Havering residents
- those in receipt of free school meals and pupil premium.
Not eligible
- If you are in receipt of universal infant free school meals this includes reception, year 1 and year 2. You must receive benefit related free school meals.
- If you received transactional protected universal credit free school meals
- Children in nursery
- Children in sixth form or further education
How we make the payment to you
We issue this payment to you by bank transfer. We do not issue vouchers.
If you do not have a bank account, you can provide details of a trusted family member or a friend to receive this payment on your behalf.
We will email you remittance advice when the payment is made.
Ensure the bank details are correct and up to date.
You must update your bank details at least 3 weeks before the scheme closes.
If you do this after this date it will delay your payment.
If you have queries about non-payment please send an email to schoolmealholidayscheme@havering.gov.uk, quoting the reference number when you applied (which will begin with F) or your National Insurance Number.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme
If you are eligible for free school meals and your child is aged 4 to 16 you can also make an application for the Holiday Activities and Food programme.
This programme aims to support families by offering a range of activities and healthy meals.