When someone dies, it can be a stressful and upsetting time.

As well as coping with the emotional distress that a death may bring, you will need to notify a number of different government departments and organisations.

These could include council housing departments, adult services, income support, libraries, driver and vehicle licensing agencies and passport services, for example.

Tell Us Once makes it easier for you to do this.

The service reduces the amount of time you need to spend contacting government departments and organisations because you provide all the information to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) who then pass that information on to the people who need to know.

At the time of the death registration your registrar will set up the deceased’s details on the national database. This usually takes around five minutes at the end of the registration.

Once the details have been entered an interview can then be carried out. You can do this using an online or telephone service.


​Providing you have registered the death and the deceased's details have been added to the Just Once database by the registrar.

The registrar will give you a unique reference number which you will need to complete the service.

Tell Us Once online

Further information