To be able to vote you must be registered.

You can register to vote on the GOV.UK website

Voting takes place in polling stations, although an you can apply to vote by post or appoint someone else (a proxy) to vote for you.

Accessibility and voting

We are committed to making sure that everyone who wants to vote can do so and offer a range of services for voters before and on polling day. This includes:

  • assistance to complete electoral registration forms and postal vote packs
  • information about registration and voting available in alternative formats on request
  • polling stations accessible to wheelchair users and people who have limited mobility
  • a special device called a Tactile Voting Device available to enable blind and partially sighted to vote in person
  • large print handheld ballot papers available in every polling station
  • specially trained staff available to provide information about how to vote, and to provide assistance when required
  • the option of taking a companion (close relative or elector qualified to vote at the election) with you for assistance

If you want to know more about support and assistance available for registration and voting, email