Land quality reports

A Land Quality Report provides environmental information on a chosen property within the borough. This information includes details regarding:

  • geology and hydrology
  • current and historical land uses on the selected property
  • any current or former landfill, filled land, made ground and waste management facilities within 250 metres of the property
  • any current or former industrial or commercial land uses within 50 metres of the property
  • the nature and implications of these land uses
  • environmentally sensitive data such as pollution control sites and radioactive substances
  • sites of environmental importance such as conservation areas and listed buildings
  • copies of historical maps

This information is assessed by a qualified member of staff and information from council records and local knowledge will be included.

Finally the current status of the property in relation to the Environment Protection Act 1990 Part II (a) will be summarised.


  • Written report that takes less than 2 hours to complete:
    • 5 working day response (where available and on request) - £648
    • 20 working day response - £358
  • For every hour over 2 hours - £107
  • To respond to specific questions on land quality hourly rate - £107


Contact the team to discuss an order on 01708 432775.