Abandoned shopping trolleys
Retailers are responsible for removing their own trolleys from public areas.
If you find a shopping trolley in the road, on a play area or somewhere else it shouldn't be, you can report it in the following ways.
If the trolley is from Asda, please use the Collex app to report.
- Download the Collex Trolley app for your Android phone or iPhone.
- Email request@collextrolley.com
- Call 0800 0933 350
If the trolley is from Aldi please use their contact details to report.
- Email enquiry@cs.aldi.co.uk
- Call 0800 042 0800
For all other trolleys please use the Trolleywise app to report.
- Download the Trolleywise app for your Android phone or iPhone.
- Complete the Trolleywise form
- Email trolleywise@wanzl.co.uk
- Call 0800 316 1241