The releasing of sky lanterns, helium balloons and unauthorised fireworks is not permitted on Council owned and managed land.

The decision follows a consultation which asked for the views of our residents.

The reasons for the ban are the risks that sky lanterns and helium balloons pose to wildlife, livestock, the environment and buildings.

We have a commitment to work towards making Havering a place where the natural environment is celebrated and enhanced where possible in addressing climate change.

Our policy on the release of sky lanterns, the release of helium balloons and unauthorised use of fireworks on Council owned or managed land sets out our full principles and commitments.

What we do

  1. Refuse permissions for the release of sky lanterns from any Council owned or managed land regardless of the purpose for the release.
  2. Refuse the sale of sky lanterns at any Council run or managed event.
  3. Refuse permission for the release or permanent fixture of helium balloons from any Council owned or managed land regardless of the purpose.
  4. Refuse the sale of helium balloons for the purpose of release at any Council run or managed event.
  5. Require the Council’s ‘standard conditions of contract’ relating to outdoor events and organised functions on Council owned or managed land or property  to ban the release of sky lanterns and the release of helium balloons regardless of purpose.
  6. Ban unauthorised firework displays on Council owned or managed land.

Alternatives to mark an event

  • Planting a native tree or flower.
  • Raise a flag.
  • Put up a banner or bunting (that can be easily removed).
  • Using LED candles and lanterns.
  • Blowing bubbles.

More information