Our vision, corporate plan, structure and workforce strategy

To be the best organisation we can be and to maintain the high quality of services that residents will increasingly rely on, a new vision based on three overarching objectives will help shape the work of the council in the months and years ahead.  

Underpinning the vision – The Havering you want to be part of – will be a new corporate plan and an operating model with a new structure based on People, Place and Resources to deliver the vision’s objectives of:  

  • supporting our residents to stay safe and well
  • a great place to live, work and enjoy
  • enabling a resident-focused and resilient Council

Read the vision

As we address significant financial and cost of living challenges, the vision, corporate plan and structure will set the foundations for rapid progress and ensure we focus on the priorities of the new administration.  

Video - Catch up on the staff briefing

Structure and target operating model 

To help deliver the Council’s new vision, we need to make real changes to our structure and Target Operating Model (TOM) so we are fit for the future and able to manage the challenges ahead.   

We will move different services into three directorates – People, Place and Resources – so that there is a clearer focus and better working between departments.

This will be done over three phases, with the first phase being completed by the end of December 2022. 

It is expected that the full reorganisation of the Council will be completed by December 2023. 

This is different than what we have done before and will involve not only a different way of thinking, but a different culture, better customer service and reduction of duplication between services and teams.

This should make your work easier and help us concentrate on our new priorities making sure we continue to deliver the best services and outcomes we can to our residents.  

This work is not being done to save money, but when making changes like this, savings will be made which will of course help towards the now increased finance gap that was announced in the launch of the budget consultation.   

Phase one 

Phase one sees a lift and shift as we realign the core functions of the Council across the three pillars of People, Place and Resource. 

Video - Find out more about the timetable for change

Importantly, alongside this we will also deliver a new Workforce Strategy which will support you with new work styles alongside new policies to support the changes started through Choose Havering in our organisational culture.

It will also focus on what you have told us that matters to you, including feedback from the staff engagement survey.  

Our Workforce Strategy defines the council’s ambition for its people – an inclusive, talented and engaged workforce, where the right people, with the right skills deliver positive outcomes for Havering and its communities. 

Our five strategic people themes

  • Organisational design, culture, values and behaviours 
  • Leading our workforce 
  • Developing our workforce 
  • Treating our workforce fairly and with respect 
  • Supporting our workforce

Read our workforce strategy 

Support for you 

The road ahead will see us implement a new structure that will help us deliver the new vision for the Council and the priorities of the new administration, break down silos, reduce bureaucracy, slim down the senior leadership of the Council and keep within our financial means while maintaining the quality of services we provide.

As we go through change, implement a new structure and experience cost of living challenges both professionally and personally, there’s a range of support available if you need it.