This page is used for updating Havering staff who are in roles where they may not be able to access our internal systems at all times.

Please note that a number of links in these publication go to the staff intranet so will not work if you are viewing from outside of the Havering network.

Big News

Big News is our staff news update that is published once a week.

Read the latest Big News

View all editions of Big News

Before we switched to Big News in July 2021 we had The Bulletin. View old editions of The Bulletin

You can also view the archive of the daily coronavirus update which was published during the height of the 2020 pandemic.

Fit for the future

A new vision, corporate plan, structure and workforce strategy

To be the best organisation we can be and to maintain the high quality of services that residents will increasingly rely on, a new vision based on three overarching objectives will help shape the work of the council in the months and years ahead.

Find out more about the vision and plan

Choose Havering logo in black 150px for the Staff Matters main pageChoose Havering

Choose Havering is the Council’s commitment to creating an organisation that is the best it can be and asks employees to pledge to make positive choices every day, so we can achieve all our ambitions.

Choose Havering is about doing our best every day for the borough and its residents.

Find out more about Choose Havering and sign the pledge

oneSource ICT support

The oneSource website remote access information page has a number of support options for you including contact details.

Go to the oneSource remote access support page

Want to contact them directly about a remote access issue? Please use their remote access form.

Go to the oneSource ICT remote access issue reporting form


This area has links and guides to our Fusion HR system.

Fusion - How to guides

Supporting your work

The Smart Working Together handbook is your guide to maintaining well-being and effectiveness while working remotely.

Smart Working Together handbook

Everybody matters is our document outlining support for mental health and wellbeing.

Everybody Matters - Guide for Key Workers

READI Review

We asked the Local Government Association to review Race, Equality, Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion across the Council.

This is also known as the READI Review. 

Read the READI review feedback report