
Keep it local aqua logoFor hundreds of years Romford and its market have provided a lively town and meeting place. Situated on the great Roman Road between London and Colchester, a Roman route guide placed the site of Durolitum in the vicinity probably at Hare Street where three inns still exist.

Later in the Middle Ages the market began to grow in size after being granted recognition by the King in 1247. It was one of two markets licensed to provide supplies for the Royal Court in London.

Sheep, cattle, pigs, geese and corn were sold and in the 19th century the town gained a Corn Exchange in the High Street. Its attractive clock survives in Romford Museum.

Up to the middle of the 20th century it remained a livestock market - farm beasts of all kinds being brought here from large parts of Essex and even other parts of England.

The modern town centre is a vibrant shopping, business, leisure and entertainment centre which attracts 21 million shoppers per year.

You will find 400 great shops, restaurants and cafés across the town in four shopping centres, along with the traditional outdoor market.

Romford Market

The famous Romford Market is held every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, with extra trading days in the run up to Christmas.

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