Appeals and reviews
You can appeal against any decision made in relation to the following:
- rejection of a housing application
- suspension of application for any reason
- cancellation of application
Any such appeal must be lodged with the Reviews and Quality Assurance Officer within 21 days from the date upon which it has been received.
You may do so by letter to that officer, using the form linked to this page, or by email to the address below.
Make a housing allocation appeal online
You can also email
You can appeal against any decision with regards to which type of tenancy you have been offered by us, be it a fixed-term tenancy of three or five years.
You must use the form provided at the time of offer.
These forms can be sent by post to the Reviews and Quality Assurance Officer within 21 days of the tenancy being signed, or by email to the below address.
It can take up to 28 days for a decision to be made.