Rough sleeping
What we do to help rough sleepers
We carry out regular checks around the borough to identify and help people sleeping on the streets.
We work with voluntary organisations, charities, the police, and local residents to make sure people get the right support.
In severe weather conditions we ensure that there is shelter available.
However not everyone will accept help. If this happens we do our best to build up a relationship to understand their individual circumstances so we can find a way to help them.
How you can help
Streetlink connect rough sleepers to local support.
Please call them 0300 500 0914 when you spot a rough-sleeper in your local area.
Giving money to rough sleepers or charities
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether someone is a genuine rough sleeper or whether they are a street beggar.
We encourage you to give to the organisations who support rough sleepers rather than giving to them directly.
The Salvation Army, located at High Street, Romford RM1 IJJ, provide a drop in service for rough sleepers where showers, clothes, food, sleeping bags and a range of support can be accessed.
There is a multi agency drop in service on the first Tuesday of every month.
Services include Havering Housing Solutions, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), National Career Service (NCS) and Peabody Support Service.
Welfare, debt and counselling advice is available at drop in sessions every Tuesday.
The Salvation Army is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 1.30pm to 3.30pm. They can be contacted by telephone on 01708 380 280 or by emailing
Shelter can help with housing advice, support and provide legal services. They are open 7 days a week and can be contacted by phone on 0808 800 4444.
The Council works with a number of providers to provide emergency and settled accommodation for rough sleepers.
Hope 4 Havering provides emergency night shelter for up to 20 people; a hot evening meal, tea and coffee followed by breakfast the next morning.
Residents can socialise and sleep at the shelter for up to 3 months whilst a settled housing solution is found for them.
To make a referral for accommodation please contact us on 01708 432824, Please select ‘Help if you are homeless’ and then click on ‘Fill in our contact form’
YMCA (Romford) is a young person’s hostel for people aged 18 to 40 years. They are open 7 days a week and can be contacted by phone on 01708 766211 or by emailing
The Council secures a number of self contained private rented studio flats across the borough for rough sleepers who are ready to live independently, with ongoing floating support provided by the Peabody Support Service.
The Apostolic Church off North Street in Romford offers a lunch to all, 10am to 2pm on Saturdays. They also provide clothing.
The Church Without Walls in Romford Market offers a breakfast from 8am to 9am on Sundays.
Havering Islamic Centre based at 91 Waterloo Road, RM7 OAA offers a free evening meal and soup kitchen on Wednesdays from 6pm-7pm.
The Ship in Upminster Road South, Rainham, RM13 9YS offers food and support from 10am to 2.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and also 10am to 12:30pm on Saturdays.
Havering Mental Health Services (Adults) can be contacted on 0300 300 1570 (option2) 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. You can also email or visit the NELFT website.
Havering Mental Health Services (Children) can be contacted on 0300 300 1888. You can also email or visit the NELFT website.
Samaritans can be called on 01708 740 000 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They can also be reached by emailing For further information visit the Samaritans website.
Aspire Havering - Change Grow Live, located at Ballard Chambers, 26 High Street, Romford, RM1 1HR are open at various times and support people with substance abuse.
For more information call 01708 747614, email or visit the Change Grow Live website.
The Street Pastors are part of a national team of trained volunteers from local churches who care about the community and who are there to care, listen and help. They are usually around Romford South Street on Friday and Saturday nights from 10pm to 4am.
Marie Stopes provides advice on pregnancy and abortion and is available by telephone on 0345 3008090 9am to 5pm on Mondays and 8am to 1pm on Tuesdays.
RAMFEL Supports vulnerable migrants to access justice and provides vital support in moments of crisis. They have a drop in service 10.30am to 1pm on Thursdays.
Victim Support provides emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime. They are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and can be contacted on 0208 5502410. Find out more by visiting the Victim Support website