All tenancy agreements involve both rights and responsibilities. It is up to both the landlord and the tenant to respect and maintain these responsibilities.

When there is a dispute between a landlord and a tenant it is possibly because one or more of these rights/responsibilities is being contravened.

If you think this could be you please do one or more of the following:

  • discuss the problem with your landlord, it is often the case that mediation is not required to resolve a dispute
  • read guides, such as those offered by Citizen's Advice, to determine what your position is

What we do

1. Resolve conflicts between landlords and tenants in the private rented sector over disrepair that could lead to eviction

Disrepair advice may include complaints risen by tenants or landlords to Environment Health over:

  • broken doors
  • fence panels and windows
  • mould and dampness
  • fire safety
  • infestations
  • drainage problems
  • graffiti
  • litter/rubbish
  • overcrowding
  • heating/hot water supplies
  • personal/food hygiene
  • electrical problems; and
  • pest control including flying ants

2. Resolve relationship breakdown in the private rented sector that could lead to eviction

Relationship breakdown which has occurred over a series of disputes between tenants - landlord. Advice can improve communication between both parties.

The officer works on rebuilding the relationship between tenant - landlord and mediates and offers specialist housing advice on the type of disputes that may arise. Concentration is on breaking down the communication barrier before enforcement action is taken by Environmental Health.

3. Resolve issues relating to evictions caused due to statutory overcrowding

Preventing statutory overcrowding in the borough and facilitating the rehousing of tenants into suitable accommodation.

Conducts Environmental Health inspections with Environmental Health team over statutory overcrowding and ensures clients can be rehoused into suitable accommodation, makes links into Housing services if necessary. Liaises with relevant support agencies eg family mosaic if families need housing support.