Housing benefit

Payments are made in arrears and are normally made fortnightly to tenants and four weekly to landlords. However if you rent from the Council your housing benefit is paid directly into your housing rent account

If you rent from a landlord or housing association we normally ask for your bank details as part of your application so we can pay the money straight into your bank account. If you are receiving cheques you can use the form below to tell us your bank details.

If you need to change the bank account we are paying housing benefit to you can also use the form below.

Update your housing benefit bank account details

Payments may be capped or reduced because you have a spare bedroom.

A further reduction may be made for other adults living with you.


If you are a landlord and we pay you housing benefit already you can also use the above form to change your bank account details.

Housing benefit is usually paid directly to the tenant. Under special circumstances we may arrange for payments to be made directly to the landlord, please see the local housing allowance safeguard policy for more information.

Council Tax Support

Council Tax Support is paid direct to your Council Tax account. For information about Council Tax Support, please see the Havering local Council Tax support scheme documents.