If you don’t rent from the Council your Housing Benefit will be based on the Local Housing Allowance. This will be the maximum we can pay based on your household situation.

How it works

The Local Housing Allowance rates are based on the number of bedrooms a tenant requires. One bedroom is allowed for:

  • every adult couple
  • any other adult aged 16 years or over
  • any two children of the same sex
  • any two children aged under 10 years, regardless of sex
  • any other child

The majority of privately rented properties in Havering will fall under the Outer North East London area.

If your property falls within postcodes RM13 9ED or RM14 3PB you will fall under the South West Essex area.

The area of your property is decided by the independent rent officer.

Further information can be found at the Valuation Office Agency website.

Havering’s Local Housing Allowance weekly rates

Area 1 bed shared 1 bed self contained 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds
Outer North East London






South West Essex




