Welcome to the Integrated Adolescent Safeguarding Support Service (IASS). 

We provide support that improves outcomes for children and young people between 10 and 18 years old, and up to 25 for young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

We are committed to seeing life through the eyes of young people in Havering. We promote positive language and attitudes toward young people, their networks and communities.

Coproduction is at the heart of our work, and young people’s voices are at the centre of the design and delivery of our service.   

Our core aim is to safeguard children and young people who may be at risk of harm outside of family and home. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the exploitation of children and young people in Havering.

We use techniques like information sharing between agencies and data analysis to identify those young people who may be at risk of exploitation. We then work with young people to protect them from harm and improve their life chances. 

Our integrated service is multi-disciplinary, and made up of a dedicated team of professionals from: 

  • Adolescent Safeguarding Team
  • Youth Justice Service
  • Youth Influence and Participation Service
  • Virtual school
  • Child exploitation / missing coordination, working across this team and social care
  • clinical health posts 
  • data analysis to enable earlier identification of children vulnerable to criminal exploitation

Our preventative approach to support and intervention with young people is informed by our understanding of: 

  • the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • young people’s experiences of risk in places and people outside of family, home and school
  • the power of language and relationship-based practice.