Code of conduct

A list of unacceptable behaviours is set out below. 

This list is not exhaustive and Library staff have the right to determine other behaviours that are also unacceptable.

Please note only 4 students are allowed at a table at any one time.

  1. Loud noise, such as shouting, loud laughing or loud giggling, calling out to other people, whistling and playing music (NB. Music can only be listened to quietly via headphones).
  2. Disturbing or interfering with other users’ legitimate use of the Library and / or intimidating other users or staff.
  3. Rude or offensive behaviour or language that is likely to upset or annoy other users or staff.
  4. Bringing drinks in to the Library, unless they are soft drinks (eg water) and they are kept securely contained in appropriate bottles / containers at all times (NB No alcoholic drinks or drugs of any kind can be brought in to the Library).
  5. Eating food and / or bringing food in to the Library (including meals, cold food or hot food, including fast food and other take-aways).
  6. Throwing anything in the Library.
  7. Using mobile phones, other than in designated areas of the Library building.
  8. Viewing inappropriate and / or offensive material on the Library Computers (separate policies / procedures cover this in more detail).
  9. Damaging or inappropriately using books, computers, materials, fixtures/ fittings, chairs and other furniture (NB this includes ensuring no spillage of drinks).
  10. Leaving rubbish in any place other than in the rubbish bins provided.
  11. Blocking access routes by either congregating with other users, sitting on the floor or by creating other types of blockage (such as by creating “camps”).
  12. Moving chairs and /or tables from established areas within the Library (eg study areas).
  13. Loitering in the Children’s Library, unless the user is aged 16 or over and is accompanying a child they have responsibility for.
  14. Inappropriate use of the toilets (where toilets are provided).
  15. Remaining in or returning to the Library after it is due to close or closed  (unless a genuine emergency requires the user to do so).

None of the above behaviours are acceptable in Havering's libraries.