Modern slavery is a serious crime that violates human rights. The term ‘modern slavery' captures a whole range of types of exploitation including: 

  • sexual exploitation: including sexual abuse and forced prostitution 
  • domestic servitude: victims being forced to work or perform domestic chores 
  • forced labour: can happen in construction, hospitality and beauty 
  • criminal exploitation: making another person commit a crime 
  • other forms of exploitation such as organ removal, forced begging, forced marriage and illegal adoption

Our role

The Council has a key role to play in tackling modern slavery, including working in partnership to identify and support victims locally.

Havering Council recognises its responsibility to take a robust approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, and understands its duty to notify the Home Office of any individual encountered who we believe is a suspected victim of modern slavery or human trafficking. 

Havering Council’s vision is 'The Havering you want to be a part of'. We are committed to supporting our residents to stay safe and well, whilst enabling a resident-focused and resilient council and, ensuring Havering is a great place to live, work and enjoy.

Modern slavery does not fall into this, which is why the Council is committed to eradicating modern slavery within our supply chains and the wider community. 

Preventing modern slavery in our supply chains

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires commercial organisations with an annual turnover of more than £36 million to report on the steps they take to ensure modern slavery does not take place in their business or in their supply chains.

From 2023, we have published annual statements to provide transparency and demonstrate our commitment to tackling modern slavery.

Read our modern slavery statements

Your role

Everyone can help to identify and reduce the amount of Modern Slavery in the borough by being aware of the signs that someone might be a victim of modern slavery.

These include:

  • having unexplained gifts, clothing, money or new / additional phones
  • living in poor conditions e.g. dirty or overcrowded
  • a change in their physical appearance (malnourished, unkempt, withdrawn, anxious)
  • a restriction in their freedom; does not have access to a passport or bank account
  • a change in their behaviour, they avoid eye contact or appear frightened
  • being isolated

We have provided some links to resources to support with spotting signs of modern slavery and human trafficking. 

If you are concerned about anyone, adult or child, you can report it anonymously by contacting:

  • The Police – 101 or in an emergency 999 (a social worker will follow this up with any necessary investigations or assessments).
  • Havering Adult Safeguarding – 01708 433 550
  • Havering Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub – 01708 433222
  • Modern Slavery Helpline - 08000 121 700 

Please note that professionals are asked to complete a Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF).

Documents and resources

