Climate change youth summit banner. Text on banner reads: Have you got something to say about climate change? If so, tell us about it.

​​​​​​​Havering Council today (28/09/2021) launches its first Youth Climate Change Summit so that the voices of future generations can be heard.

Over the next three days, from 28 to 30 September 2021, the Council will be directly engaging with young people to hear what they have to say about climate change.

The events coincide with the UN Youth Climate Summit taking place in Milan, where around 400 young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from across the globe will be tackling the issues with world leaders.

Here in Havering, young people will be:

  • making their views known by taking over Living in Havering, our twice-weekly email newsletter that goes out to more than 60,000 residents and businesses
  • joining a let’s talk about climate change discussion with the Council Leader, Councillor Damian White, Council officials and an expert from London Councils. The online Zoom event will be chaired by 18-year-old Chantelle Asante, chair of Havering Youth Council
  • invited to respond to a survey to gather their views and identify the things that they can do to help protect our planet.

Councillor Damian White, the Leader of Havering Council, said:

“Recent events in Havering, where we have suffered serious storms and flooding, have led us to experience how real climate change is.

“We’ve made a commitment to be net carbon neutral by 2040 or before, if we can. As we all have an important part to play, we think it’s crucial to hear from our future generation and to get them involved now.

“Over the three days we’ll be listening to what young people have to say and how they think they can play a valuable role in protecting our future.”

The Summit comes ahead of COP 26 taking place in Glasgow in November and ahead of the Council’s plans to publish the Havering Climate Action Plan, also in November.

Published: 28 September 2021