Havering Council is joining the London Fire Brigade and Police in offering advice to children and parents to help them stay safe while trick or treating over the Halloween weekend.

Parents are being urged to make sure that younger children are always accompanied by an adult and to plan a route for older children, with a set time for them to return.

Advice from our community safety team along with the London Fire Brigade and Police

  • Trick or treating is better with a group of friends. If possible, don’t go out alone.
  • It will be dark, so wear bright costumes so you can be seen by others, including drivers. Take a torch or glow stick with you.
  • Make sure your costumes have flame-resistant labels.
  • Plan a safe route that is well-lit and stick to it.
  • Don’t take short cuts through gardens, alleyways or parks.
  • Only go to houses where you or your friends know the residents.
  • Don’t call at homes late in the evening.
  • Don’t call at any home showing a “No trick or treating” sign – it might be the home belongs to a vulnerable or elderly resident who could be worried by unexpected callers or a family with young children sleeping.
  • Never go into a stranger’s house even if you are invited – stay with your friends on the doorstep.
  • Never demand money and be pleased with any treats you get.
  • Don’t vandalise anything or throw things like eggs, flour or paint at people, their homes or animals. This could be seen as criminal damage or assault.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, said: 

“Trick or treating for Halloween can be great fun, but children, their parents and guardians need to follow a few basic rules. 

“Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult, and older children need to understand how to keep safe and respect neighbours, other residents and the community.

“Residents should not feel threatened at any time and any behaviour that is anti-social, illegal or frightening will not be tolerated.

“You can display “no trick or treating” signs if you don’t want to be bothered on the night, and we ask anyone trick or treating to please respect that. 

“Havering Council wishes everyone celebrating a happy and safe Halloween.” 

Published: 27 October 2021