Councillor Damian White 250px by 250px

The Leader of Havering Council, Damian White, has called for the Department for Transport and the GLA to resolve their differences and build the planned station at Beam Park.

Councillor White, said:

“The current situation is unacceptable and we need both parties to come to a positive resolution.

"All our plans centre on a station being built and is an important part of the jigsaw puzzle for regeneration in the area.

"We already suffer massively in Havering from lack of infrastructure investment, and when we do have an opportunity to improve it, it seems roadblocks are thrown up!

"Otherwise we need other solutions such as an extension of the DLR as buses alone are not enough.

“And because it is an unacceptable situation, we have written to the Planning Inspectorate to ask for a delay to the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for that area.

"While this delay is taking place, we feel it is best to see what will happen and I hope that this delay will allow time for a resolution.

“If we do not have a solution in the New Year, then we will reconsider our position further and we may have to look at pulling the CPO all together. We hope this does not happen.

“It is also important to point out that there will be a wider impact on housing figures for the whole borough.

"No station, will mean fewer homes. And we have very few places left in the borough which can be used.”

Published: 2 November 2021