Havering councillors have formally adopted a new vision for the development of the borough from now until 2031.

At a meeting of the Full Council last night (17 November 2021), members voted to adopt the Havering Local plan.

The Plan provides a blueprint for delivering the Council’s priorities and sets out the strategy for our growth and improvement for the local economy, housing, transport systems and environment over the next 10 years.

Adoption of the Plan comes after the Government’s Planning Inspector advised that a number of modifications needed to be made to the Local Plan in order to find it ‘sound’ and allow the Council to adopt it.

Subsequent ‘Main Modifications’ consultations (in August 2020 and earlier this year) looked in more detail at the borough’s proposed plans for housing, parking and the provision of Gypsy and traveller sites in the borough.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“I am really pleased that we have been able to secure adoption of the new Local Plan.

“It provides a strong and up-to-date planning policy that supports the Council’s objective of sustainable and inclusive growth in the borough.

"This includes delivery of new housing and affordable housing for local people, essential infrastructure, economic development, design quality and place-shaping!

"It also considers climate change mitigation and adaptation.

“During the making of the Local Plan, the Council has continually challenged both the Mayor of London and the Planning Inspector over parking provision set out in the London Plan.

"Regrettably, despite the evidence and tireless lobbying on our part - the Inspector has told us to accept the parking targets in the London Plan.  

"I would like to assure residents that we have explored all options to challenge this.” 

“Adopting the Local Plan will provide greater certainty for Havering residents, our communities, businesses and investors on our future developments.

"This includes where they should go and the quality of the schemes to ensure they meet our expectations around energy efficiency, while respecting our heritage and being fit for Havering residents to live happy lives.”

The Local Plan is not a static document and the Inspector requires the Council to undertake an immediate update and our commitment to this is set out in both the Local Plan and Local Development Scheme.

The adopted Local Plan will be published on the Havering website soon. 

All previous documents including changes to the Policies Map document, the Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement have been published online and you can read more about the process on our Local Plan examination page.

Physical copies will be available to view from December at any library in Havering during normal opening hours.

Published: 18 November 2021