Havering Council has allocated over a quarter of a million pounds to fund a business support programme that will provide free expert help for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The programme will provide one-to-one specialist training for SMEs across the borough, helping them to diagnose problems with their business, ensure they are ready to tender for new contracts and even help set up contact between businesses and potential customers – all at no charge to businesses.

In addition, businesses will benefit from a host of networking events, as well as up-to-date signposting for further services and funding sources to help ensure Havering businesses have the best support available.

The Council is currently searching for a supplier to deliver this support, which is valued at £260,000 for the first year – an increase of £230,000 on the current programme. 

These new funds have been set aside from the Government’s Additional Restrictions Grant to support businesses through the Covid 19 pandemic. 

Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, said: 

“Securing this additional funding will allow us to not only continue, but significantly strengthen the free support we can give to SMEs in Havering. 

“We are currently working through a tendering process to find a supplier that offers the best advice and support most suited to Havering’s uniquely diverse range of small and medium businesses. 

“Once in place, our new support programme will be on hand to help to continue to help businesses weather anything that comes their way, and continue to thrive.” 

Published: 2 December 2021