Council providing extra reassurance with night marshals
Nighttime marshals will provide an extra pair of eyes and ears in Romford Town Centre

Havering Council has deployed a team of new night-time marshals in Romford town centre to support its work in providing extra support to keep residents and visitors safer at night.

The Marshals will work alongside the Council’s community and tactical enforcement teams.

Plus local businesses, licensees, police, venue security teams and emergency services.

They will be an extra pair of eyes and ears when it comes to providing assistance in helping people get home safely when leaving venues. 

They can also intervene if they have a concern that someone may be in a difficult situation.

Also, to report any issues of anti-social behaviour, back to other partners throughout their patrols.

Four marshals are currently deployed in Romford – Havering’s largest town centre.

This is where the Council has received the most concerns about women’s safety and anti-social behaviour late into the night and in the early hours when bars and clubs close.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, said:

“The night-time marshals will help provide an extra pair of eyes and ears for us at night in the town centre.

“Sadly, we have had many reports of people, especially women, being approached by strangers in Romford town centre.

"This is as they try to make their way home after a night out, it is making them feel unsafe.

“The marshals are also there for people to approach them if needed in situations like this and be that extra support to all.

“It is all part of the Council’s work along with our partners, in doing what we can to help residents and visitors have an enjoyable and safe night out.”


Published: 3 December 2021