Havering Council has decided to withdraw the Beam Park Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) having taken legal advice and following consultation with the Planning Inspectorate.

Last month, the Council asked the Planning Inspectorate to delay the CPO Inquiry while the GLA and Department for Transport continued to discuss the future of Beam Park Station.

The Planning Inspectorate suggested that the CPO should be dropped until it is clear what the decision is around the proposed station.

This means Havering’s planned regeneration of the area which includes building new homes as part of a Joint Venture with Notting Hill Genesis, will be delayed.

In addition, there has also been concern raised around the TFL funding for the Beam Parkway scheme that has been designed to transform a busy road into a linear park with enhanced biodiversity, amenity space, walking and cycling facilities, improving connections between communities.

TFL were planning to part fund this scheme with a £5 million grant but have not been able to provide this funding given their financial position.

Councillor Damian White, the Leader of Havering Council said:

“It seems Havering is once again losing out after working so hard to try and build better homes and communities for its residents.

“Due to the problems over Beam Park Station, and the additional issues with the Beam Parkway scheme, regrettably, we will have to cease in our plans for the CPO for the time being.

This follows legal advice and consultation with the Planning Inspectorate. 

“We are doing everything we can to get back on track with these schemes because of the opportunity this part of the borough offers to provide homes and jobs for our residents.

"As a borough we need investment in our infrastructure and housing.

"However, every time we think things are moving the right way, like a boxer, we get another knock down and have to pick ourselves up.

"It is time they focused on outer London boroughs like us, rather than the more wealthy inner London boroughs.”

Jake Brodetsky, joint venture partnerships director for Notting Hill Genesis said: 

“We understand the council’s decision to withdraw the CPO and will continue to work with them and other stakeholders to ensure the best outcome for the present and future residents of Rainham and Beam Park.”

Published: 7 December 2021