Havering's Jazzmine Jada is new chair of London Youth Assembly
Havering's Jazzminejada is new chair of London Youth Assembly

Havering Youth Council member Jazzminejada George has been elected as the new Chair of London Youth Assembly.

The 15-year-old pupil was elected by peer members in the London Youth Assembly.

Jazzminejada said:

“My latest appointment makes me so happy, honoured and humbled as I represent young Londoners.

"The London Youth Assembly will come together to help to make a positive change - for young people, by young people."

Jazzminejada is already a familiar face in the borough, where she recently interviewed, Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council, about climate change and shared her story of what life was like during lockdown.

This included being part of a roundtable with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

She was later featured telling her story on BBC London’s Vanessa Feltz show.

She said: “During my one-year term, I will help create real positive change for young Londoners which is our main goal. Young people deserve their voice to be listened to. We will invite politicians to come to our meetings and work alongside them to meet our goal.”

The London Youth Assembly (LYA) agenda top items

  • Mental health and the creation of a LYA leaflet for schools across London. An event will bring young people together with the aim of helping to breakdown any stigma around mental health.
  • Diversifying the curriculum. A recent LYA survey of young Londoners found just over half felt their school was doing well when it comes to learning about other cultures.
  • young Londoners having more real power.

Jazzminejada added: “As young people, we have so many amazing ideas but sometimes we feel they’re sadly not valued. Our voice is our power and it deserves to be listened to.”

She is in the process of setting up a meeting with Sian Berry, the co-leader of the Green Party.

Councillor Robert Benham, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Families, said:

“Congratulations to Jazzmine. This is a fantastic achievement which will not only give her an opportunity to broaden her political knowledge, but will also give a wider voice to young people both in Havering and across London.”

Published: 13 December 2021