The dredging of the lakes in Harrow Lodge Park and works to improve the surrounding habitat will be starting in early March 2022.

Money was set aside to do this in last year’s council budget.

Havering Council is working in partnership with environment specialists, Ebsford Environmental, to help deliver these works. 

The company are experts in large lake and river de-silting projects that reduces waste and the impact on wildlife, while at the same time increasing bio-diversity. 

As part of this work, staff will be on site from Monday next week (31 January 2022) to carry out preparation work.

Drop-in sessions at the park will also be arranged over the next few months.

It will enable residents, park users, volunteers and friends of parks groups, to get more information and ask questions of officers.

Over the past few years, the Council’s parks teams together with environmental partners, have been looking at issues including outbreaks of avian botulism.

Silt deposits over time have also caused the quality of the water in the lakes to decline.

The Council is providing funding through the Parks Capital Investment Programme.

Works will include:

  • the removal of over 30,000 tonnes of sediment [dregs] from the lake which will be re-used to help create a bankside habitat for wildlife with aquatic plants and wildflowers
  • clearance of scrub vegetation that will be replaced with more bio-diverse vegetation that will help towards improving the area for wildlife
  • the repairing of various areas of erosion within the lakes which are currently causing health and safety concerns
  • creation of an interactive landscaped habitat area to the west of the lakes with new wildflower areas, grassed walkways and areas for wildlife to hibernate
  • making improvements for existing pathways around the lakes
  • the construction of a new viewing platform extending on to the lake within the western pond 
  • restoration and improvements that will enable a better system of air, water and nutrients that will help towards healthier lakes 
  • planting to the east of the lakes. 

Councillor Osman Dervish, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said:

“We’re delighted to see that this work will be starting soon in Harrow Lodge Park. This will help improve the lakes and increase areas for wildlife to grow.

“We made a commitment to do this last year as we know how important it is to have an environment which will also see our parks and lakes thrive.

“We will be working closely with our partners and will also be encouraging our many volunteers and community groups to help us with different aspects of the project."

Email for more information or to get involved. 

Published: 28 January 2022