The Council’s Cabinet have recommend a record increase in funding for social care to support those who need it most.

They have also recommended a 2.99 percent increase in Council Tax which includes a 1.99 percent increase on general Council Tax and a one percent increase, as set out by the Government, to support local social care additional costs due to Covid 19.

This Council Tax increase is one of the lowest for seven years.

This does not include the Mayor of London’s element.

The budget still includes continued investment in front line services such as the road investment programme, maintaining the excellent green spaces and leisure services while opening the new leisure centre in Rainham. 

It will also mean that the Council will continue to keep the streets clean and safe, provide the care and support for the most vulnerable, as well as building new neighbourhoods for local people, supporting businesses and the local economy.

However, the Council still needs to make £13 million in savings for 2022/2023.

This will come from further efficiencies such as reducing staff costs, working more closely with health partners to prevent people going into care, better ways of delivering services, using data and technology and improved management of regeneration schemes. 

The Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Damian White, said:

“It has been a tough time for all of us with Covid, especially with the most vulnerable, therefore, we are recommending that social care should be funded to provide that support most needed.

“This budget also means we can continue with those vital services that residents want, maintaining our road repair programme, investing in green spaces and leisure centres, keeping libraries open, providing new homes and much much more.

“We however still have to find £13 million in savings which will come from a number of efficiencies and better management. 

“It is quite clear that Covid will have a long lasting effect on all of us including the Council’s finances, but this proposed budget will see us through while making sure we offer the best support we can for all our residents who need it most.”

The recommendation for the Council Tax increase will now go to Council Tax Council on 2 March 2022 for consideration and final agreement.

Published: 21 February 2022